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Posted 05/26/2021 in Back & Neck Pain

A New FDA Cleared Device From NeuroMD for Lasting Back Pain Relief

A New FDA Cleared Device From NeuroMD for Lasting Back Pain Relief

A new FDA cleared Class II medical device from NeuroMD Medical Technologies gives back pain sufferers a new option in lasting pain relief by improving musculoskeletal health and function. With 5 Clinical Studies published on the National Institutes of Health, this technology may be the single biggest advancement for chronic back pain sufferers in the past decade. 

The easy to use at-home device is available without a prescription and includes everything needed to complete the Corrective Care Protocol.

The Florida based medical device company also includes an exercise protocol based on one of the Study’s findings. Trunk Muscle Training (TMT) exercises in conjunction with the NMES technology improved pain ratings more quickly and demonstrated lasting relief in older adults with chronic low back pain, even after the treatments were halted.

While back pain is unique from case-to-case, the body’s fundamental muscle, bone and joint structure are highly similar. Whenever you're improving the function and health of the musculoskeletal system you will experience positive results.

NeuroMD’s Scientific Approach And How It’s Different From TENS.

The NeuroMD Corrective Therapy Device places the body in proper optimal function by starting at the source: the core and lower back. NeuroMD’s first pain reduction pathway is through strengthening and balancing the muscles in the lower back which stabilize and align the spine. The secondary pathway of pain relief is NeuroMD's ability to reduce inflammation and heal damaged tissues by increasing blood flow to the area.

While Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) stimulates sensory nerves to only temporarily mask the pain, NeuroMD’s NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) technology targets motor nerves similar to traditional exercise. However, it has the added ability to stimulate deeper secondary muscles that traditional rehabilitation deems unreachable.

When NeuroMD’s patent pending NMES parameters stimulate the motor nerves, the muscles begin to contract and relax, much in the same way as conventional exercise. 

The NeuroMD Corrective Therapy Device utilizes patent pending parameters based on clinical trial results to provide optimal muscle recruitment of deep spinal stabilizing muscles and patient comfort, without causing excessive muscular fatigue.

The following conditions may be effectively treated with the NeuroMD device:

  • Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle Spasms & soreness
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Poor Posture
  • Numbness or tingling in limbs
  • Loss of balance or coordination
  • Knots or tight spot in back
  • Decreased range of motion or stiffness

Why This Is Becoming The #1 Treatment Modality For Back Pain Sufferers.

If you’re like most people and experience back pain, the NeuroMD Corrective Therapy Device should be your first line of treatment because:

  • NeuroMD doesn’t just mask the symptoms; it corrects the root of the problem and provides lasting relief.
  • It is FDA cleared, 100% drug-free and doctor recommended.
  • Easy to use at-home device with no prescription required.
  • The kit includes everything needed + an exercise program.
  • Patent-Pending NMES parameters based on clinical studies.

See what thousands of patients are saying by visiting their website at GetNeuroMD.com

The full studies can be viewed on The National Institutes of Health’s website, via the links provided under each clinical study summary.

It’s always recommended to consult with your doctor before starting any new treatment modality or exercise program. While safe for most people, those who use pacemakers or other electrical implanted devices should not use this device without explicit consent and direction from a doctor.

A Promising Future In Pain Management

Despite being the first device of its kind, this cutting-edge technology is sure to change the future of pain management. This novel approach to pain relief has shown to be effective in numerous studies and patients as well as physicians are reporting life changing results.

Overall as more and more people discover this innovative back pain relief device by NeuroMD, the less they will have to resort to painkillers, invasive surgeries, and long recovery periods.

Interested in Trying NeuroMD? Visit their website at GetNeuroMD.com

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