www.paintreatmentdirectory.com - Alternative Pain Treatment Directory

Find Alternative Pain Relief

How to Use This Directory

Now that you’ve found your way to this directory, you can get on the path to real pain relief!

It’s recommended that you search the provider listings for “any” category in your local area so that you can discover the wealth of resources that are available in your community. There are many therapies you may not have heard of or previously considered that may hold the key to a healthier you.

Explore the Webinars/Phone Coaching category for the list of services/providers available from anywhere.

Also check out the product listings informative articles and inspirational healing stories to learn about more options for getting well.

This directory is very new and we are adding new providers, products and articles every day, so check back often to stay updated.

Please note that the administrators of this directory endorse all the therapies and products contained here, but we do not have the capacity to vet every provider. Please exercise due diligence and make sure to get the information you need to make a sound decision about proceeding with care from your selected provider(s). This includes asking about their licenses or certifications, training and experience. You might also want to ask for client/patient references.

Feel free to email us with any questions or concerns at info@paintreatmentdirectory.com.

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