www.paintreatmentdirectory.com - Alternative Pain Treatment Directory

Submit an article about alternative treatment for chronic pain or a patient success story.

 Articles should include valuable information about the safety and effectiveness of one or more alternative pain treatment modalities or related content. Articles should not be advertisements for your services or products. You can include your name at the bottom of the article with a brief bio and a link to your provider listing and/or website. Please review the content on the website on your topic before writing to make sure it does not duplicate information that is already on the website.

We also welcome submissions of patient success stories. The story should include the patient's age when they consulted you, the history of the patient's condition and prior treatments, what treatment you provided and the outcome of your treatment. Of course, actual patient names should not be included unless you have their written permission to do so. Another option is your own healing story. 

Articles should preferably be between 500-2000 words and be written for a patient audience. Please also submit a preferred image if available.

Articles can be previously published as long as you have the rights to the article or permission to re-publish.

Submit an article that gets accepted for publication and get a free one year basic provider listing. 

See listing details HERE

Please submit your article or story to info@paintreatmentdirectory.com with the subject line: Article Submission.

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