![The power of 10 – it’s all in the hands The power of 10 – it’s all in the hands](/uploads/news-pictures/167-green-bay-blog-post-image-20190811162125.jpg)
Power — it’s such a strong word. What image comes to mind when you hear that word: world leaders, wealthy CEOs of major corporations, judges? Maybe childhood memories of books filled with wizards and witches casting spells to overcome evil? What about Thomas Edison’s light bulb, solar power or nuclear energy?
How about YOU? When you hear the word “power,” is the first image that comes to mind the reflection you see in the mirror? Does the mere suggestion sound absurd? Most people do not realize the immense power at their disposal whenever they need it. Where does that power come from? It’s all in the hands.
It’s in your hands. Let me explain.
In the philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu®, the hands are the tools used to aid in relief — whether it is physical, mental or emotional relief, it’s the hands that guide the healing power. Jin Shin Jyutsu is the “Art of Getting to Know (Help) Myself.” Using the power inherent in all of us, through the ten fingers on our hands, we are able to harmonize our body’s energy to encourage overall health and well-being. The number ten can be considered an expansion of oneness or unity. When the energy in our body is flowing freely (in unity), we feel healthy and vibrant. The abundance in our lives — our well-being — is more than just us; it encompasses all that enriches us and nourishes us to be our best.
The power of our 10 digits gives us the opportunity to experience this abundance and drives us to connect with the best in ourselves. If you’ve ever dealt with a devastating illness or chronic diagnosis (or if you’re close to anyone who has), you probably felt like the doctors had all the power. After all, they are the experts. The doctor determines which medications to take, how frequently to follow up and which tests to run, as well as the patient’s prognosis. Managing appointments, staying compliant with treatment regimens and asking all the right questions can be daunting at best. It’s easy to feel powerless in that situation.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an integrative approach to medicine, so while your doctor is doing what he or she does best, you can use the power of your 10 digits to enhance whatever treatment regimen is being followed. Realizing we do have some control in what may seem like an out-of-control situation is an enormous step toward peaceful living. Mary Burmeister, the woman who brought the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu to the United States in the 1950s, said, “My destiny is in my own hands.”
Would you like the opportunity to explore this power of 10? Simply wrap your right hand around the thumb and each finger of your left hand. Hold each digit individually for three to five minutes. When you are finished with one hand, switch sides — wrap your left hand around the fingers and thumb of your right hand and hold each one for three to five minutes.
Stop in and ask a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner how these steps can help channel your power, putting you in touch with your abundant life.
This article was originally published at naturespathways.com
Gail Okray owns and operates Key Elements for Health. She is a Jin Shin Jyutsu® teacher, author and practitioner with over 14 years of experience. She is located in Green Bay, Wisconsin and also provides phone and web-based services. See her contact details HERE