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Posted 04/15/2022 in Category 1 by Susan Antelis

FocusCalm Neurofeedback Headband Discount Code

Expires 04/15/2025
Brainco Focus Calm promoCode
FocusCalm Neurofeedback Headband Discount Code

FocusCalm works like this: You put on the headband, a wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) that measures electrical activity in the brain, and connect it by Bluetooth to the FocusCalm app. Through the app, you play brain games and relax with guided meditations. All parts of the system work together to provide you with neurofeedback: a visual representation of your brain activity during these exercises. That neurofeedback helps you identify focused and calm states, which, over time and with consistent practice, is a serious step towards mental self-regulation.

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