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Posted 02/04/2022 in Arthritis

Pat Healed Low Back Pain From Traumatic Injury with Neurofeedback

Pat Healed Low Back Pain From Traumatic Injury with Neurofeedback

Pat’s lower back was crushed in a workplace accident when a heavy piece of equipment fell on him. He had several spinal fusions after the accident. After 12 years of persistent low back pain, he heard about neurofeedback and started treatment. At the initiation of treatment his pain was poorly managed with opioids and NSAIDs. Pat was also traveling six hours round trip once a month to get a spinal calcium shot. The injection would initially make his pain worse for a few days then he will feel better for a few weeks then the improvements would wear off.

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback which uses sensitive electronic instruments to measure electrical activity in the brain and encourages the brain to change to a healthier pattern. Research has shown that chronic pain causes changes in the brain which cause the brain to continue generating pain signals even after tissue healing has occurred. 

After 18 weekly sessions of neurofeedback, Pat’s pain was gone. He was off his medication and decided to cancel his scheduled injection. He continued neurofeedback treatment for a few more sessions to make sure that the changes would last.

Neurofeedback is very helpful for many kinds of pain, including musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia, migraines and CRPS. 

Find a neurofeedback practitioner HERE


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