Drugs vs Natural Medicine to Treat Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases have always been challenging to treat, but now that we are dealing with a pandemic, the challenges have grown. Drugs that are used to treat autoimmune diseases, including NSAIDs and corticosteroids and other immunosuppressant drugs, have the side effect of rendering users more vulnerable to infections. Opioids, often used for pain management in autoimmune diseases, also suppress immune response to infections. Fortunately, there are other options for treating autoimmune diseases that don't increase infection risks.
Use of natural therapies to treat autoimmune diseases are without side effects and can improve control of the illness and increase immune response whether or not you decide to continue with your medication. Any decrease in your medication should be done in consultation with your physician, as abrupt withdrawal from some medications can be dangerous.
All of the following natural strategies for treating autoimmune disease have the additional benefit of increasing resistance to infection while simultaneously reducing inflammation.
Nutritional Treatment of Autoimmune Disease
Increasing anti-inflammatory foods while decreasing pro-inflammatory foods is one of the most important strategies available to reduce the severity of autoimmune disease.
Dr. Andrew Weil, a well-regarded integrative physician, along with many others, recommends increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating sardines or other oily fish (salmon, herring, mackerel) three times a week or supplementing with fish oil, avoiding polyunsaturated vegetable oils (safflower, sunflower, corn, etc.), margarine, vegetable shortening, and all products made with partially hydrogenated oils. Eat a low-protein, plant-based diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid products made from cows’ milk.
For rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Weil recommends also eliminating these foods for two months to see if symptoms improve: all refined sugars, all citrus fruits, wheat, corn and soy.
Optimizing vitamin D levels and high doses of vitamin C are also helpful.
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Herbal Treatment of Autoimmune Disease
Many herbs have anti-inflammatory effects. Among the most frequently recommended anti-inflammatory herbs are turmeric, ginger and boswellia. These herbs are safe and readily available, though the quality of the supplements vary so they should be purchased from a reputable company.
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Mind/body Treatment of Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune diseases, like many other chronic conditions, tend to flare up when patients are under stress. Now is an especially stressful time in our history, so be sure to incorporate mind/body practices for relaxation. These include meditation, diaphragmatic breathing, guided visualization, laughter, prayer and energy psychology techniques.
If you are unfamiliar with these practices, there are many apps and YouTube videos that can show you how. You can also schedule individual sessions with professionals offering telehealth services for additional instruction and support.
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Exercise as a Treatment for Autoimmune Disease
Exercise is also a good stress reliever. In addition, exercise improves immune function in ways that reduce the severity of autoimmune disease, helps lubricate joints and increases muscle strength and flexibility, all of which reduce pain.
Low impact exercise, including walking, bicycling, swimming and yoga, are best. Access to in-person classes and gyms may still be limited due to the coronavirus. YMCAs are currently offering online exercise classes, and YouTube also has many exercise classes available.
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CBD Treatment of Autoimmune Disease
CBD, a derivative of the hemp plant and the marijuana plant, has recently become very popular for treatment of pain and inflammation. Studies have shown that it is effective in reducing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
CBD is available for oral administration as tinctures, gummies and other edibles, and is also available in creams or ointments for topical use.
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Homeopathic Treatment of Autoimmune Disease
Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed in the 19th century that uses very tiny amounts of natural substances that trigger the body’s healing system. It’s among the most controversial of alternative medicines, however there are many studies that validate its effectiveness.
According to homeopathic practitioner Lisa Demarais, “Homeopathy evaluates all symptoms including physical, emotional, and mental (the whole person) and is therefore excellent for treating a multi system disease. Homeopathy supports the immune system in a natural way, bringing it back into a restorative function.”
For chronic conditions, consultation with a homeopathic practitioner is best, in order to determine the best remedy. Many homeopaths offer telehealth services. For acute exacerbations, the following remedies, can be helpful: Rhus tox, Bryonia, Ruta and Belladonna. These remedies are generally regarded as safe, and are available online.
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Hormones and Botanical Medicine to Treat Autoimmune Disease
Naturopathic physician Dr. Ellie Wright recommends reducing inflammation and balancing hormones with botanical medicine, amino acids therapy and plant bud extracts (gemmotherapy).
Dr. Wright reports that addressing the hormonal balance in autoimmune conditions like Lupus and RA is very important. Lupus gets worse with higher estrogen levels and balancing estrogen can improve the condition. On the other hand, Rheumatoid Arthritis gets better with higher estrogen levels and boosting those levels can improve the symptoms.
Hormone balance was found to be linked directly with the balance between T-helper cells 1 to T helper cells 2 ratio (Th1/Th2), which plays a major role in immunity. The plant forms of estrogen and progesterone (phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone) are biochemical extracts that support hormone production. Balancing these hormones increases antibodies production. Imbalances are associated with autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and viral overload.
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There are many safe, natural treatments for autoimmune disease that can safely treat inflammatory conditions while also improving immune response.
This is not a comprehensive list. There are many other natural therapies, including massage, acupuncture, low level laser, Chinese herbs and more that can safely treat autoimmune disorders.
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