Boulder Colorado 80302
I find that pain, chronic and acute, causes most people to lose trust in themselves and their ability to make decisions that lead to satisfactory outcomes, as well as causing them to feel cut off from the world around them.
Pain arrives in our lives in a myriad of ways. Whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual—uninterrupted, it eventually affects all aspects of your life leaving you feeling hurt and alone.
I can help you with your pain. Every moment of your life is recorded by the unconscious mind and stored in the form of memories. When those memories are incomplete and unresolved they may present as pain. Such unresolved memories are often the cause of illness, chronic pain, accidents, psychological problems, relationship and interpersonal problems.
Unresolved psycho-emotional conflicts can create a bioelectrical disturbance in the conflict-specific areas of the brain resulting in abnormal brain signals that produce abnormal neuropeptides and abnormal electrical currents that reach the hypothalamus. These signals are then directed to targeted organs of the autonomic nervous system. Chronic abnormal stimulation can lead to physical discomfort, then pain and eventual disease.
Applied Psycho-Neurobiology is a treatment that allows the conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds to dialogue about the unresolved conflict, reveal the beliefs that are containing the conflict, and replace those beliefs with new ways of thinking that support healing and growth thus freeing the autonomic nervous system from the work of defending against what was previously painful.
This three-pronged approach is critical to deep and lasting healing. It works because it not only addresses the unresolved, but it assists in helping you to feel confident about interrupting your pain and practicing a solution-based treatment to relieve and eliminate the painful experience.
Confidence goes a long way in resolving any issue. Whether the obstacle you face is chronic or acute pain, whether it includes lifelong anxiety or depression, or it interferes with performance or interpersonal issues, our work will provide you deeper healing, greater opportunities, and the ability to influence your life with greater comfort and less pain. You will find the deep root of your own self-worth and purpose, while dismantling your painful experience.
As a licensed professional therapist, certified hypnotherapist, practitioner of Healing Touch energy medicine, and a Reiki Master, I focus on the issues you face today utilizing many cutting-edge treatment techniques that facilitate shifts to increase motivation, creativity, and self-confidence resulting in pain-management.
My unique approach embraces your inherent worth and community value, regardless of what you might believe or have experienced before. My training includes: Hypnosis, Energy Medicine, Brain Spotting, Applied Psycho Neurobiology, Death And Dying Theory, EFT, EMDR, Mindfulness, Neuro Linguistic Programing, Rebirthing Breathwork, Somatic Imagery, Trauma Resolution, and Psychotherapy.