Indianapolis Indiana 46205
Virginia Biasizzo, NDTP (Natural DNA Therapy Practitioner) specializes in Functional Medicine, Heart Math Mentoring Techniques, Epigenetics, Digestion, and is a 5 elements trained acupuncturist and frequency medicine specialist for more than thirty years. Virginia has dedicated her life to integrating functional Eastern and Western modalities within health care facilities, has developed a natural solution to align bio photons (cellular signals) back to normal and is a practitioner at White Willow Wellness. Virginia is passionate about educating people on epigenetics and how emotional reactions & thoughts transfer to the assembly of a perfect mind/body balance essential for acquiring vital longevity. Virginia generates a quantum energy field for participants, connecting them to their innate wisdom. This sacred space allows clients to be guided and anchored with their Divine essence, evoking new perceptions leading to vibrant changes. Virginia works with proven techniques essential for vital longevity to result.
Dr Bruce Lipton brought Epigenetics into the global consciousness through his book, The Biology Of Belief. A new science of how our responses to our environment adapts physiological variances within the body. In other words, how we feel influences how our body regenerates. Emotions emit a broadcast signal that is chemically delivered to various parts of the body offering specific instructions on how to perform tasks. This signal is electrical in nature. It’s energy derived. This insight is changing how we look at health, empowering participants to take charge of the belief that we’re victims of our genes predisposed ailments. The truth is our perceptions of our environment shape our biology and behavior, empowering us to be masters of our mind, body and spirit.
“We can literally change our reality by shifting our perception and thoughts. We have the opportunity to express ourselves at our fullest potential” says Dr. Bruce Lipton, renowned cell biologist.
Natural DNA Therapy addresses the Functional Epigenetics, or root cause of a condition as opposed to addressing symptoms. Using scientifically proven methods of reconnecting mind/body with one’s innate wisdom, participants move out of victim hood and into self mastery of living a radiant joyous life.