Media Pennsylvania 19063
Much of our society treats the symptoms and not root causes. There are underlying causes of pain that contribute to pain even in physical accidents. Karin Davidson has worked for decades finding and clearing those causes.
Books like "You Can Heal Your Life," "Energy Psychology," "Messages from the Body," and "The Key to Self-Liberation" describe proven correlations of physical problems and our belief systems, our past learning, our childhood experiences and even our energy systems.
If you are on this website, you are probably having issues with how traditional medicine handles pain with only treating the symptoms and leans towards medications and surgery. Alternative methods are also complimentary and are highly recommended in conjunction with traditional medical care.
Karin Davidson uses a wide variety of methods to find the root causes and clear them. She co-wrote 4 books on the acupressure stress relief method called EFT, she is a certified international trainer for Matrix Reimprinting, Advanced Clearing Energetics, Release and Replace, Universal Source Energy Healing and more. Her methods include: - EFT - Matrix Reimprinting - Advanced Clearing Energetics - Body Code/Emotion Code - Release and Replace Shortcut - Divine Alignment - Universal Source Healing Energy - Dimensional Healing - Cortex ACE - Spiritual Cleansing - Touching the Light - Jesus Healing - Soul Hospital
If you are not in the area, Karin has clients all over the world via Phone, Facetime, Skype and Zoom. Depending upon the details of your own particular situation, these methods can help with a wide variety of pain.
The number of sessions needed also depends on each individual's circumstances; the minimum usually being 6 sessions depending upon severity. You may set a consultation with Karin at