Rockton Illinois 61072
I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, with 30 years experience compassionately serving people of all ages. I utilize cognitive-behavioral and dynamic/experiential techniques to help people with freedom from chronic pain. I have personally managed chronic pain for 40 years, so I understand.
I am certified in Clinical Hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, a premier evidence-based organization certifying only licensed professionals in hypnosis, and have successfully used hypnosis to ease chronic pain. Many of my clients were so relieved to feel free of pain that they blissfully drifted off to sleep for the first time in many years. Others went on to live a pain free life and transform their daily functioning and longer term goals as a result of this.
I have taught meditation for over 25 years, as well as health psychology classes that improve your overall functioning to heal your pain or increase your pain management. We offer gentle, restorative yoga classes to foster your mind-body-spirit healing. These services are all available in small group or 1:1.
I am trained in Reiki I and reading Akashic Records, and have practiced healing in hospital and home settings with critically ill individuals. This training helps me connect you to your highest self, both your unconscious mind and your Divine self, to help guide you with specific techniques, suggestions and tools to relieve your pain.
We can provide you with referrals to chiropractic, acupuncture, Reiki, massage, and/or affordable epigenetic consultations in conjunction with our partners to help individualize your recommendations.