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Nancy Shaw, MTPT

Springfield Virginia 22150

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Chronic Musculo-Skeletal Pain Treatment

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  •  Company Logo by Nancy Shaw, MTPT in Springfield VA
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    6120 Brandon Ave
    Springfield, Virginia, 22150
    United States

    Description of Practice: Nancy Shaw, MTPT

    As founder of THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MYOFASCIAL TRIGGER POINT THERAPY, I have been involved with the field of myofascial/muscle trigger point pain and dysfunction since 1981. My practice, The Myofascial Pain Treatment Center, is located in Springfield, VA, about 14 miles south of Washington, D.C.

     I have been the Director for over 3 decades at the clinic and also conducted The Shaw Myotherapy Institute for 5 years, a 9-month, full time training program based on the work and treatment protocol of Dr. Janet G. Travell, Whitehouse physician to President John F. Kennedy. I had the unique privilege of being invited by Dr. Travell to study directly under her tutelage. I had that honor for some 13 years: studying, traveling, teaching, writing, and participating in conferences and workshops throughout the country with her. During that time, I received the Janet G. Travell, M.D. Myofascial Soft Tissue Award, presented by the American Academy of Pain Management. 

    Having been in practice for 36 years, I have seen many accident and injury patients, but the vast majority of my patients are people who are experiencing pain/chronic pain resulting just from normal, daily use. Muscles get tight, we accommodate them, using them in different ways so we can be comfortable. Oh, Oh, do that and the muscles actually "learn" to function in a short position, trigger points develop, resulting in pain. Identify the short muscles, change what caused the shortness, practice new muscle habits, and you can be pain free. I promise!

    I have taught throughout the United States (with The Dogwood Institute), at INOVA, a local university, and since the early 2000s have annually taught at a rehabilitation facility in Moss, Norway. A year was spent in Perth, Australia, helping to establish a trigger point medical clinic and training program. 

    Having previously been encouraged to write by Dr. Travell, and following a serious biking accident, I wrote and published the definitive book on perpetuating factors: factors of accommodation that we make to deal with tight, painful muscles as a way to be as comfortable as possible. "SIMPLE CHANGES TO END CHRONIC PAIN", a must read book for those in chronic pain, and for those who treat this epidemic condition. This book has already helped thousands of pain patients as they read and apply the information presented. Presented in an easy to understand, practical, pictoral format that identifies muscles issues, shows simple changes to make and stretches to establish healthy muscle memories that allow pain-free movement. 

    More about our practice

    Hi Nancy,
    Hardly a day goes by when we don’t either mention your name and/or do one of your exercises! And by following the instructions in your book, we were able to avoid at least one trip to Springfield in 2017… so we end the year happily moving and pain-free…
    You have had a remarkable influence on our lives and our ability to stay active. We are very grateful to you.
    We send you our best regards and wish you a very healthy and joyous New Year.
    Paula and Seth

    "This book, "Simple Changes To End Chronic Pain" by Nancy Lee Shaw, represents an extraordinary compilation of self-help techniques for those interested in treating and maintaining their personal, musculoskeletal health and well-being. The manuscript is replete with excellent illustrations, and I would recommend it to anyone interested in exploring alternative ways of learning about the origins of musculoskeletal pain mechanisms."
    Robert R. Stinger, M.D., PhD.
    Fairfax Orthopaedics
    Annandale, VA 22003

    "When I heard the words from Nancy Shaw, "Veronica, you don't have to live in this pain," I became emotional and cried. After four years of failed attempts from other specialists to help me, I was hopeful that she was right but I was not totally confident. Everything that she taught me has given me back my life. So not I have tears of joy. I have gone from barely being able to walk to running in a 5K."
    Veronica B.
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