www.paintreatmentdirectory.com - Alternative Pain Treatment Directory
Posted 01/12/2020 in Mind & Body by Cindy Wolk-Weiss

Meditation for pain conditions

Meditation for pain conditions

Meditation for pain conditions

This mindfulness meditation offers those who live with chronic pain a way to be with pain in a new way. This new way is a sense of spaciousness– so rather than constrict around pain out of fear or dislike we soften and open to our feelings. This allows the pain to ease, diminish or even disappear. In this way we decrease our stress and allow ourselves to return to a state of ease. 

Sit or lie down as comfortably as you can. Invite your body rest easily. Breathe gently. Let go of your thoughts, past and future, memories and plans. Just be present to this very moment. Remind yourself that your body is precious. Invite the body to reveal the places that most need attention.

 Allow whatever arises to be here, the physical pains, tension, disease, or wounds.

Acknowledge them with tenderness because they are right here. Slowly and compassionately feel their physical energy. Notice what is deep inside them, the pulsations, throbbing, dullness, tension, fear, contraction, aching, that make up what we call pain. Allow these all to be felt fully, to be held with a receptive and kind attention. Then expand your awareness of the surrounding area of the rest of your body. Notice gently If there is contraction and holding,. Breathe softly and let it open.

In the same way, be aware of any aversion or resistance in your mind. Notice the thoughts and fears that accompany the pain you are exploring:

"It will never go away."

"I can't tolerate this."

"I don't deserve this."

I don’t want to pay attention, it hurts way too much.

 Invite these thoughts to rest in your kind attention for a time. Become aware once again of your physical body. Let your awareness drop a bit deeper. Feel the layers of the area of pain, and allow each layer that opens to move, to intensify, or dissolve in its own time. Bring your attention to the pain as if you were gently comforting a child, holding it all in a loving and soothing presence.  Breathe softly into it, accepting all that is present with a healing kindness.


You can find Cindy's meditations here:

Aura Health App - I am happy to offer you the gift of the Aura App for a free trial and $15 off aura premium.
Just click on this link:  

Insight Timer App - https://insighttimer.com/cindywolkweiss




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