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Self Hypnosis for Neck and Back Pain During Pregnancy

Self Hypnosis for Neck and Back Pain During Pregnancy


We all have a bit of understanding that pregnancy is a joyful anticipation of a new life. To become a mother no matter if it is your first or fifth time, is a different experience each time. Not all women feel nervous tension but at some point, stress may sneak up on the new mother over the unknown. Speak to your doctor or midwife they are told or worse that "it is in your head". Not really. If you have been pregnant, you will know that emotions can vary greatly and so can the experience of pain in the third trimester. It is the actual few weeks leading up to the body for birth that a woman can recognize her body's responses to worry, be stressed and have anxiety. While there is a deluge of self-help books, still today we have little understanding of how to really help a pregnant woman to be calm, relax and to prepare for her third trimester and post-partum as part of her personal wellness that she shares with her fetus and newborn. It is a new way of presenting this information. Yet, mothers are ready to get out of an old style of thinking and to receive actual support and learning that is holistic, wholesome, aligned with her own consciousness and ecosystem.

 "This hypnosis coach suggests that self-hypnosis will help a pregnant woman to holistically plan, adopt new methods that provide her with tools that can reduce pain associated with her physical condition such as pain associated with neck and back, neck and shoulders, and lower back but also initiates new thinking about trimester/prenatal and post-partum/postnatal as still consciously connected and self-hypnosis be a method that addresses pregnancy as a consciousness with a developing new life consciousness that effects the birthing mother on levels yet to be discovered".

 About Hypnosis During Pregnancy

 Hypnosis is a very powerful aid in calming the mother and the fetus in the third trimester. Self-hypnosis originates from your own initiation and process rather than another person. Prior to self-hypnosis try breathing and centering exercises. Start by closing your eyes, notice if there is tension in your body. Breathing exercises are needed to gain control of this kind of pain, with each exhale release tension, worry and any non-beneficial thoughts. With each breath take in calming energy to replenish the self. Take a deep and cleansing breath. Breath in positive replenishing/nurturing thoughts and release slowly. Continue this pattern. Self-hypnosis is remarkable as you can put yourself into a state, yet be aware of your surroundings. It is never harmful and you can count to let's say 1, 2, 3 to open your eyes at will. Remember all hypnosis is self-hypnosis (A.M. Krasner, 1990) and it differs from meditation.

 Getting Ready

 Relaxation techniques can be taught along with self-hypnosis over video conferencing. Techniques can be identified and practiced. Sleeping comfortably may be a bit more challenging in the trimester, as your baby gains weight and grows, creating physical pressures and maybe unwanted pain in your neck and shoulders, or your neck and back. Each woman experiences this time differently and no matter if it is physically or mentally challenging, becoming prepared with therapeutic methods for pre and postnatal changes to the woman's body is important to learn and plan for. If you decide to use self-hypnosis, be sure to hire a certified hypnosis coach that belongs to one of the hypnosis associations that requires education in the field.

 Self-Hypnosis Techniques

To reduce any symptoms of neck and back pain, here is a list of methods to use in conjunction with self-hypnosis so that as you become calm through any of these means it will trigger you to become increasingly calm and relaxed. It is so easy to do, to become calm and relaxed, by just being conscious of your breathing, in-and-out slowly, and relaxing all your muscles from your toes to the top of your head, just letting the tension, slowly ease it out. Being taught self-hypnosis the coach lets you know what to expect and what you will be doing so you can agree to learning the technique of relaxation. This is to be practiced in your early trimester for no less than 22 days and then used for the next 30 days to gain the effects of its goodness. Weeks before birth you will be able to ease into self-hypnosis effortlessly feeling calm & relaxed and you will notice that the fetus will also become relaxed and maybe will take a nap. This is another way of allowing the fetus to become accustomed to naps, when rocking or hearing therapeutic music during pre-natal and after birth, as a signal to settle into a calm sleepy relaxation. This will help the mother adjust  to post-partum. Self-hypnosis can be used for this stage as the mother transitions through body changes and new responsibilities of motherhood.  

 Integrate these Modalities with Self Hypnosis to Reduce Pregnancy Neck and Back Pain

 In addition to learning self-hypnosis, here are some additional methods to facilitate a positive integration that is centering. If any neck and back pain symptoms occur during pregnancy, these suggestions can be done in combination, along with self-hypnosis relaxation and breathing techniques.

  • Therapeutic music, low beats and rhythms can calm the mother's nervous system and that of the baby's in utero listening to the rhythms and mother's calm breathes and heartbeat is a calming positive response.
  • Invest in a rocking chair and use it in your third trimester, the rocking effects our nervous system and is naturally calming. The fetus experience becomes used to this rhythm which will be comforting and familiar after birth to the newborn and later as an infant.
  • Aromatherapy in combination to listening to music while resting or in a warm bath is soothing. incorporate floral waters into your life as a safe way to relieve stress and refresh yourself.
  • There are many styles of heating pads for neck and back. The least expensive and easiest is to take a clean slightly wet hand towel wrapped in a dry towel and put it in the microwave for 10 seconds until mildly warm. If you can handle the wet hand towel to wrap around your neck, shoulders and back and do some self-hypnosis while listening to therapeutic music this will train your body for the beneficial wellness experience. Never put anything hot on your skin especially if you’re pregnant. You can use a little chamomile or lavender oil to scent to wet hand towel.
  • Have a birthing contract with your health care provider to let her or him know what you and your family member expect from your birthing experience, having this in place adds to your sense of readiness.
  • Some oils are not advised, especially with premature babies and newborns. Before any sprays or oils are used in the home consult with the doctor.
  • Lite use of lavender, citrus oils, neroli or mandarin are safe and can be used in a diffuser. Used this way it will reduce tensions, stress, or influences of daily living pressures on you and the fetus.

This is a time of total indulgence preparing yourself and your newborn for a welcoming into the world, which you have taken steps in preparing.  


          Krasner, A.M, (1990), ABH Press, American Board of Hypnotherapy Press, Los Angeles, California ISBN 10: 1931116032

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